Monday, June 16, 2008

Free Av Arcade gamepack with 190 games

Here it is folks, I am releasing a free gamepack for those who are running an avarcade site. The gamepack has got 190 games and are all hosted in other sites which allow their games to be added in your site. So when you install this gamepack you just have to run the sql query and that's it. You never will have to upload the swf and img files.

But please note that this game pack only works with a fresh install of av arcade which has got no games and categories added to it. If you run this on a site with games installed already the tables will be dropped and recreated and you will lose all your previous games. So be very careful and open up the sql file and do not execute it directly as the sql file contains drop table statements.

Anyways the sql files contains dump for the categories and the games only.

Note: Discontinued